Statement of purpose of the Canadian Kefir Association

Canadian Kefir Association was founded for the purpose of promoting Kefir in Canada by informing Canadian customers about authentic Kefir and its benefits.

Kefir originally comes from the Caucasus Mountains in Eastern Europe, where it has been consumed by the inhabitants who enjoyed good health and longer life expectancy of over 100 years.

Large scale commercial manufacture of Kefir began in Russia and it is popular in Eastern and North Europe as well.

According to Donna Gates, author of “Body Ecology”, Kefir was brought to the United States in 1960 and later became a popular fermented milk product in Canada for its probiotic and calcium content.  

However, despite Canada’s Food Guide recommendation of Kefir as one of several milk alternatives, Kefir still has no regulations in Canada stating its content.

Unfortunately, not all Canadian consumers know what authentic Kefir is and how to determine it among the products labelled as a Kefir.